The NAMMshow 2k24 adventure

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Here we go again!

One month after the event we are still upset.

It's like this every year: waiting for the latest materials, increasingly complex management of the laboratory and, last but not least, no instrument completed, the adrenaline begins to take effect!

We promise not to reach this point and promptly confirm our attitudes.

I'll be honest, we love this. The Namm event is always the "hottest" event of the year where we traditionally present the latest news (for 7 years now). I'm not talking about colors, choices of exotic woods or any retrofits, we always change paradigms.

EGO was born like this, from a tumult of innovative ideas and every year it confirms its nature. Especially this year we have used all our experiences and skills. You can guess the reason, we'll be back at BIG NAMM in January!!!! After the long pandemic period, the last two editions had been moved out of necessity: June 2022 and 2023 to April. In my opinion, better than not doing them, but certainly subdued.

This year we expect the change of gear and we will be ready, if we can finish everything. Irony aside, we are impressed by the results obtained in the Laboratory and can't wait to understand the response of the public and the musicians.

Until now everything was TOP SECRET, but hold tight there will be little introductory pills of this incredible work.

Stay with us!

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