Report NAMMshow'23

NAMMshow'23, our opinion.
After the show, a moment of reflection is important and necessary
As mentioned, June '22 and April '23 were Transitional Events to arrive next January at the "BIG NAMM", so renamed due to the enormous expectation it arouses.
But this NAMM, so? Didn't he measure up? Certainly the defection of many BIGs should be noted: Fender, Gibson and PRS was no secret, they had chosen not to attend this edition for a long time. These brands are also very attached to their endorsers who prefer to participate in the days of January where the commitments of Tournè are rare events. On the contrary, the number of visitors was definitely much higher than last June. Those present were very interested in the latest news and we really had a lot of them. The technologies on board, the new Management with APP, have aroused a lot of interest in the public who responded enthusiastically to the solutions we proposed for our instruments.
At this edition I admit we were very nervous about the international launch of a product born in our Laboratory, subsequently sold and developed together with the Seymour Duncan Team. After the three days pre-orders were just under 1000 units. A great success for the little lever that will change many things in the future. So our media exposure has been the best in the last 6 years. They attended the BGS and the distribution booth for the US Lyon & Healy : the EGO While at Seymour Duncan they presented The Hyperswitch. Not to mention our commitment to producing for distribution, 27 instruments ready for the US market. Ultimately the best NAMM ever and the great thing is to keep saying it every year, we are growing and the direction is right!